Night of the Living Dead Ops

MongoDB users often ask about the “killed” field in db.currentOp() output. For example, if you’ve run db.killOp(), you might see something like:

> db.currentOp()
	"inprog" : [
			"opid" : 3062962,
			"active" : true,
			"lockType" : "write",
			"waitingForLock" : false,
			"secs_running" : 32267,
			"op" : "update",
			"ns" : "httpdb.servers",
			"query" : {
				"_id" : ""
			"client" : "",
			"desc" : "conn",
			"threadId" : "0x2900c400",
			"connectionId" : 74,
			"killed" : true,
			"numYields" : 0
			"opid" : 3063051,
			"active" : false,
			"lockType" : "read",
			"waitingForLock" : true,
			"op" : "query",
			"ns" : "",
			"query" : {
				"count" : "servers",
				"query" : {
					"code" : {
						"$gte" : 200
			"client" : "",
			"desc" : "conn",
			"threadId" : "0x29113700",
			"connectionId" : 191,
			"killed" : true,
			"numYields" : 0

The operation looks dead… it has killed:true, right? But you can run db.currentOp() again and again and the op doesn’t go away, even though it’s been “killed.” So what’s up with that?

Chainsaws: the kill -9 of living dead

It has to do with how MongoDB handles killed operations. When you run db.killOp(3062962), MongoDB looks up operation 3062962 in a hashtable and sets its killed field to true. However, the code running that op gets to decide whether to even check that field and how deal with it appropriately.

There are basically three ways MongoDB ops handle getting killed:

  • Ones that die when they yield whatever lock they’re holding. This means that if the op never yields (note that numYields is 0 in the example above), it will never be killed.
  • Ones that can be killed at certain checkpoints. For example, index builds happen in multiple stages and check killed between stages. (Many commands do this, too.)
  • Ones cannot be killed at all. For example, rsSync, the name for the op applying replication, falls into this category. There are some sharding commands that can’t be killed, too.

There is no kill -9 equivalent in MongoDB (other than kill -9-ing the server itself): if an op doesn’t know how to safely kill itself, it won’t die until it’s good and ready. Which means that you can have a “killed” op in db.currentOp() output for a long time. killed might be better named killRequested.

Also, if you kill an operation before it acquires a lock, it’ll generally start executing anyway (e.g., op 3063051 above). For example, try opening up a shell and make the db hold the writelock for 10 minutes:

> db.eval("sleep(10*60*1000)")

While that’s running, in another shell, try doing an insert (which will block, as the db cannot do any writes while the db.eval() is holding the writelock).


Now, in a third shell, kill the insert we just did (before the 10 minutes elapse):

> db.currentOp()
        "inprog" : [
                        "opid" : 455937,
                        "active" : true,
                        "lockType" : "W",
                        "waitingForLock" : false,
                        "secs_running" : 25,
                        "op" : "query",
                        "ns" : "test",
                        "query" : {
                                "$eval" : "sleep(10*60*1000)"
                        "client" : "",
                        "desc" : "conn",
                        "threadId" : "0x7f241c0bf700",
                        "connectionId" : 14477,
                        "locks" : {
                                "." : "W"
                        "numYields" : 0
                        "opid" : 455949,
                        "active" : false,
                        "lockType" : "w",
                        "waitingForLock" : true,
                        "op" : "insert",
                        "ns" : "",
                        "query" : {
                        "client" : "",
                        "desc" : "conn",
                        "threadId" : "0x7f24147f8700",
                        "connectionId" : 14478,
                        "locks" : {
                                "." : "w",
                                ".test" : "W"
                        "numYields" : 0
> // get the opId of the insert from currentOp
> db.killOp(455949)
{ "info" : "attempting to kill op" }
> // run currentOp again to see that killed:true
> db.currentOp()
        "inprog" : [
                        "opid" : 455937,
                        "active" : true,
                        "lockType" : "W",
                        "waitingForLock" : false,
                        "secs_running" : 221,
                        "op" : "query",
                        "ns" : "test",
                        "query" : {
                                "$eval" : "sleep(10*60*1000)"
                        "client" : "",
                        "desc" : "conn",
                        "threadId" : "0x7f241c0bf700",
                        "connectionId" : 14477,
                        "locks" : {
                                "." : "W"
                        "numYields" : 0
                        "opid" : 455949,
                        "active" : false,
                        "lockType" : "w",
                        "waitingForLock" : true,
                        "op" : "insert",
                        "ns" : "",
                        "query" : {
                        "client" : "",
                        "desc" : "conn",
                        "threadId" : "0x7f24147f8700",
                        "connectionId" : 14478,
                        "locks" : {
                                "." : "w",
                                ".test" : "W"
                        "killed" : true,
                        "numYields" : 0

If you wait 10 minutes for the db.eval() to finish, then do a find on, you’ll see that {x:1} was actually inserted anyway. This is because the op’s lifecycle looks something like:

  • Wait for lock
  • Acquire lock!
  • Start running
  • Yield lock
  • Check for killed

So it’ll run a bit before dying (if it can be killed at all), which may produce unintuitive results.

6 thoughts on “Night of the Living Dead Ops

  1. Awesome, there are three types of ops.

    This makes sense from a code stand-point, but is there any way to know what type of operation I’m dealing with without looking at the source code?
    There is a list of DB commands, but this does not make any indications regarding the ability of this operation to be killed.


    1. Unfortunately, no, this information isn’t exposed anywhere. At the moment, you have to dig through the code to see where it checks for killed ops.


  2. This seems sort of backwards. Was there a reason the the op chooses to try to run a bit being acknowledging the kill?


    1. I agree with you. I think it’s a byproduct of most ops not checking after they acquire a lock if they’re dead or not, which I’d call a bug. Optimally, I think waiting ops should check occasionally if they’ve been killed and all ops should check if they’ve been killed before they start running.


  3. More fun: “kill anything over 2 seconds…every second”

    while(true) {
       db.currentOp( {secs_running:{$gt:2}} ).inprog.forEach( function(d) {db.killOp(d.opid)} )
       sleep(1000 /*1sec*/ );


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